Molecules that act against skin ageing

Whether it is prolonged exposure to the sun, oxidative stress, pollution or smoking, many factors can contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. To try to delay the effects of skin ageing, a supplement based on collagen and hyaluronic acid (or sodium hyaluronate) can be very useful. Thanks to their anti-ageing effect, these two substances help to maintain the suppleness and firmness of skin tissue. Collagen and sodium hyaluronate are naturally present in the human body and are both essential to our health. They play a major role in the formation of cartilage, bones and skin tissue. As we age, their production decreases and skin tissue tends to slacken. This is why an external contribution in the form of a food supplement is the most appropriate solution to make up for any deficiency and preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

Marine collagen and hyaluronic acid

The virtues of marine collagen

From cartilage to connective tissue, skin and ligaments, collagen is present in all of the body’s structures and ensures their elasticity and cohesion. After the age of 40, the body’s production of collagen tends to decline. This results in less firm skin, weakened hair and nails, wear and tear on cartilage, etc. To remedy this, the best solution is to use a food supplement enriched with vitamins and collagen. Derived from the proteins present in the skin of certain species of fish such as salmon or cod, marine collagen is the closest to that produced by the human body. A recent scientific study conducted by the CPCAD (Centre de Recherche Clinique en Dermatologie) in Nice showed the beneficial effects of this substance on the skin. After consuming collagen extracted from fish on a daily basis for twelve weeks, 22.8% of patients saw their epidermis better hydrated. Nearly 28% of those who took the test also reported improved skin elasticity. According to the results of the experiment, taking a capsule of so-called marine collagen with a glass of water on a daily basis would help to combat wrinkles and skin ageing.

Anti-wrinkle properties of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a molecule naturally present in several tissues of the body, including cartilage and the epidermis. It is known for its ability to retain the water present in the skin. In particular, it enables :

  • keep skin tissue well hydrated
  • smooth out wrinkles and fine lines
  • promote collagen synthesis
  • intervene on expression lines to make them less visible

It is now possible to synthesise hyaluronic acid from plant material such as wheat. Although natural and organic, this anti-ageing product obtained by bacterial fermentation tends however to degrade over time and does not provide a permanent effect. Note that sodium hyaluronate is also present in certain foods rich in gelatine, such as calf’s head, tripe or andouillette.

Two substances with a complementary effect

Collagen and sodium hyaluronate act simultaneously. Naturally present in the dermis, these two molecules act together to preserve the health and youthfulness of the skin:

  • Thanks to its ability to store water, sodium hyaluronate helps maintain an optimal level of hydration and fills in facial wrinkles.
  • Collagen is a protein of which the skin is made up of up to 80%. It is essential for the regeneration of skin tissue and preserves its flexibility and tone.

According to scientists, taking tablets enriched with collagen from sea products (What is marine collagen?) and sodium hyaluronate would smooth and revitalise the skin while fighting free radicals. For a good complementary use of these two substances, it is advisable to drink a lot of water regularly. This will make the skin on the face look younger and firmer.